Sabrina's Instagram Account

Anyone who actually knew Sabrina, even a little bit, would know and tell you about how private she was.  She didn't want anyone knowing her business.  This was never more true as it was on the internet.  Despite her inner-nature, she created an Instagram account specifically to allow her and I to communicate through photos.  This was mostly because the first year or so of our relationship was long distance.  These are the photos that you couldn't see, because her account was private.  I wasn't even allowed to comment on or like them.

TIP:  Start at the very end, and then work your way back from there if you want to read through our story in chronological order.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Patiently waiting for my to go pizza. This place serves the best pizza I've ever had.

Original URL:

Nala's Caption

Patiently waiting for my to go pizza. This place serves the best pizza I've ever had.

Background Story

Nala would always talk about how much she loved a good coal fire brick oven pizza.  She wouldn't really mention this place though.  I think she might have forgotten the name.  She'd say something like, "There was this place back in Florida that had a coal brick oven."  We looked and looked in the San Francisco Bay Area, but couldn't find a similar restaurant within a reasonable travel distance for a pizza dinner.  If you get the chance, go to Grimaldi's Coal Fire Brick Oven Pizza, and please let me know how it was.

You can't tell from this photo, but you may be able to infer it from the fact that she only took a single photo on this day... She was in a funk still from yesterday - for good reason.  We fed off of each other though.  It was the early moments like these that taught me that one of us had to "block" the emotional feeding in order for us to ever have a chance to be happy on the bad days that life gives us.  One of us had to always keep the positive in perspective.  I decided to let that be me.  I'd be the strong one in this area for us.  Unfortunately, you can see from the photos and captions of my own below, I hadn't yet learned this lesson.  

Simba's Post(s) That Day

  • Forgot my laptop, nearly hit twice by cars in less than 24 hours... Life happens. :) #instaportrait
  • #Fortune