Sabrina's Instagram Account

Anyone who actually knew Sabrina, even a little bit, would know and tell you about how private she was.  She didn't want anyone knowing her business.  This was never more true as it was on the internet.  Despite her inner-nature, she created an Instagram account specifically to allow her and I to communicate through photos.  This was mostly because the first year or so of our relationship was long distance.  These are the photos that you couldn't see, because her account was private.  I wasn't even allowed to comment on or like them.

TIP:  Start at the very end, and then work your way back from there if you want to read through our story in chronological order.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Simba yummy

Original URL:

Nala's Caption

Simba yummy

Background Story

In the previous photo I mentioned how we were trekking around in Fort Lauderdale.  We browsed around an art fair and along the beach.  We walked so much that the arm you don't see in this pic is actually sunburned, with the sun constantly being on one side of us the entire day.  

That night, I had scheduled a cruise dinner for us to go to, but we lost track of time in Fort Lauderdale.  If you've never been on a cruise event, know this... DON'T BE LATE.  They don't wait for you, and in most instances you lose your money.  Cruise dinners became our kryptonite, but we finally were able to break that curse a year or two later in San Francisco.  

In this photo, we were in a little hole-in-the-wall Italian restaurant in Palm Beach that Nala found.  She was insanely good at finding great restaurants.  We didn't need to be anywhere specific to have a good time.  This was as good a place as any.  It continued to be one of the best dinners we ever had together.  

Simba's Post(s) That Day

None.  I was enjoying being with my Nala.