Sabrina's Instagram Account

Anyone who actually knew Sabrina, even a little bit, would know and tell you about how private she was.  She didn't want anyone knowing her business.  This was never more true as it was on the internet.  Despite her inner-nature, she created an Instagram account specifically to allow her and I to communicate through photos.  This was mostly because the first year or so of our relationship was long distance.  These are the photos that you couldn't see, because her account was private.  I wasn't even allowed to comment on or like them.

TIP:  Start at the very end, and then work your way back from there if you want to read through our story in chronological order.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just as we left it

Original URL:

Nala's Caption

Just as we left it

Background Story

Early this morning I had to fly back to California, yet again leaving my Nala behind in Florida.  Leaving each other like that was always the most difficult moments of our relationship - even after we were finally living together.  On this day though, we had just spent about 2 weeks together - the longest time together we had so far.  It was like the most beautiful dream you never wanted to wake from.

What you see here is the nightstand.  She dropped me off at the airport and came back to the hotel room to get some more sleep before heading back home herself.

During our time over the past week, we ended up snatching up a set of 4 Newcastle coasters, bought a lottery ticket, and one of our hotel key cards.  We kept all of the key cards from each room we stayed in together.  Due to the nature of our jobs, this ended up being quite the collection.  Each time was like a magical mini-vacation.

You only see one of the 4 Newcastle coasters here.  This is because I took 3 home and left one for her.  I told her that it was her job to reunite the coasters.  She would successfully do this some time later.

You also see her iPhone box.  She had just recently replaced her iPhone (finally).  She dealt with a broken screen and sluggish phone for a very long time.

Simba's Post(s) That Day

  • SF Giants party with the neighbors