Sabrina's Instagram Account

Anyone who actually knew Sabrina, even a little bit, would know and tell you about how private she was.  She didn't want anyone knowing her business.  This was never more true as it was on the internet.  Despite her inner-nature, she created an Instagram account specifically to allow her and I to communicate through photos.  This was mostly because the first year or so of our relationship was long distance.  These are the photos that you couldn't see, because her account was private.  I wasn't even allowed to comment on or like them.

TIP:  Start at the very end, and then work your way back from there if you want to read through our story in chronological order.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Won't forget the peak.

Original URL:

Nala's Caption

Won't forget the peak.

Background Story

This is nearing the end of the virtual tour that Nala was giving me privately on her Instagram account while my plane was flying me back home to California.  You're looking at almost the entire parking lot of our hotel.  Her caption is referring to the unique roofing of the main building on the right.  It was impossible to miss.

You can see the car she originally had when we first got together.  It's the black Hyundai on the right.  We called it the Nalamobile.  She looked so cute and badass driving that car.  She loved it too.  It was like a little racecar.

Our room was towards the front, on the second floor.  If you didn't know, Nala was in a fatal automobile accident when she was a teenager.  She was the only survivor.  The doctors literally had to piece her back together.  One of the things that resulted from this is that she had to be incredibly careful about what she did.  Something as simple as a small fall could cripple her for life.  Well, the parking lot and walkways here would always be wet from the air conditioners and being so close to the beach.  She slipped several times during our walks to and from the "resort" area - nearly giving me a heart attack each time.  I'd clinch her so tight I thought I might be hurting her, nearly holding up her entire body with one arm.  

I never in my life wanted her to hurt, even a little.  It was always so satisfying to see the look in her eye whenever this would happen.  The trust, love, and appreciation she'd show me with a simple glance and smile.  I'd give anything to see that look in her eyes again.  Anything.

Simba's Post(s) That Day

  • SF Giants party with the neighbors